XYZ the story so far….
2 minutes 27 seconds…….The story begins in 1984 when Nigel Atherton formed XYZ.
EMX and ELX Controls …entry CNC for milling an lathe
2 minutes Just like riding a bike
Turning Centers… 2 minutes video about lathes having Y axis for milling and live tooling…
Proto TRAK CNC made easy …1 mintes 22 seconds
Designed for 2 and 3 axis milling and 2 axis lathe…easy to use easy to programe…
Prototrak 2 axis...1 minute 33 seconds…
Everyday Proto TRAK 2 axis quick CNC milling…..easy to use easy to programe..
Prototrak 3 axis CNC milling….2 minutes..Rich the highest levels of modern machining…
Prototrak 2 axis for lathe ….1 minute and 55 seconds ..
The VMC range with easy to use control and full 5 axis ability…….1 minute and 6 seconds ..